Saturday, April 13, 2013

I Couldn't be Bothered to Write a Title

My Math teacher has the most American accent I've ever heard.
Every time he talks, I wince. Shudder. Close my eyes. Sigh in frustration. Move on.
I've never really noticed the American accent before. Before I had to listen to it, minutes on end, during the most miserable subject in the world. It's so... annoying. Their errs and zees and 'd' sounding 't's. 

Ugh. Gag me.

This is a pretty pointless post.
I'm just bored..
We're doing linear equations in Math, so it's line graphs and lameness.
I'm used to it though. Being bored in Math, that is.
Let's be honest. Who isn't?

I'm now thinking of a way to turn this into a valid post.
Let's see.
Let's go back to the accents. That could work.

So because I go to an international school, it's pretty common to hear a variety of different accents over the course of the day. American, British, Indonesian, Chinese, Singaporean, Australian, Whatever-Accent-I-Have, and so on and so on. This is perfectly fine. Accents don't really matter honestly, it's just that some of them are more annoying or take longer to get used to.

But then there's the forced accent.

This terrible phenomenon happens when people (I hate to admit this, but usually girls) try to make themselves sound more, I dunno, exclusive or exotic by changing their accents to sound American (when they're actually Asian). This really annoys me. I have to listen to these people every day.

It's not just a subtle American accent, either. Some girls really go all out. I'm talking about inflections (like, what ever) and tilting of the words (like, seeeriouslleey?) and out-loud interspeak (Oh emm gee. El oh el. Bee are bee. Eye dee kay. Jay kay, jay kay.). I can't be the only person that finds this annoying. They give me migraines. 

Just.. Just... Sigh. Go to your happy place, Adelle. Happy place....

This doesn't just happen with American accents, mind you. Some people go all-out British instead. This sounds even more forced because at least with an American accent it's slightly plausible because we're exposed to their media, but with a British accent? 

Okay, this is it. It's just a little short boring post, but I couldn't be bothered to add any more to it. XD
Mwah. ._.
(Oh yeah Chichi convinced me to get a sign-thing. This one is okay, no-nonsense. None of that frilly cursive stuff. Just Adellea.)


  1. Don't deny it, Del, I know even you just LOVE speaking in valspeak... :P

  2. What is wrong with accents? They can choose anyone of them, well, they might be a bit annoying but not to that degree del. If your starting on accents, I think next you want their hairstyle to look suckish so that yours looks awesome??? Kidding
